TLS was last updated
on June 12, 2024.

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a rating for the player based on the NTRP rating
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* Ratings for each of a player's matches.
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Team Scouting Report
(As Of 06/10/2024)
Section - Middle States
Area - Delaware
League - Mixed 18 & Over
Flight - 8.0 DD Mixed Doubles
Rez WTFault! 18+
League Record: 5 - 4
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Doris Kerr - 4.10
William Celtnieks - 4.09
John Bishop - 4.03
Todd Brown - 4.00
Jen Andrisani - 3.95
Bridget Tomasicchio - 3.78
David Arscott - 3.74
Danielle Salsbury - 3.73
David Resurreccion - 3.72
Suzanne Tamassia - 3.70
Michele Chapman - 3.62
Greg Stenz - 3.62
Angela Bement - 3.61
Ada Martini - 3.60
Michael Robinson - 3.53
Bill Richins - 3.51
jackie zivitz - 3.48
Greg Merlino - 3.30
Vickie Tully - 3.22
Tiffany Marsilio - n/a
Russell Vance - n/a
Neal Rutman - n/a
Jackson Kerr - n/a
Aaron Hutt - n/a
League Results By Position
1D 2D 3D
Angela Bement - 3.61 & David Arscott - 3.74 1 - 0
Bill Richins - 3.51 & Suzanne Tamassia - 3.70 0 - 1
Bill Richins - 3.51 & Michele Chapman - 3.62 0 - 1
Danielle Salsbury - 3.73 & David Arscott - 3.74 0 - 1 1 - 0
Bridget Tomasicchio - 3.78 & David Arscott - 3.74 0 - 1
Bridget Tomasicchio - 3.78 & Russell Vance - n/a 0 - 1
Bridget Tomasicchio - 3.78 & Greg Stenz - 3.62 1 - 0
jackie zivitz - 3.48 & Neal Rutman - n/a 1 - 1
David Arscott - 3.74 & Ada Martini - 3.60 1 - 0
David Arscott - 3.74 & Jen Andrisani - 3.95 0 - 1
Michele Chapman - 3.62 & Greg Merlino - 3.30 0 - 1
Russell Vance - n/a & Doris Kerr - 4.10 1 - 0
Doris Kerr - 4.10 & Michael Robinson - 3.53 1 - 0
Doris Kerr - 4.10 & Jackson Kerr - n/a 0 - 1
John Bishop - 4.03 & Suzanne Tamassia - 3.70 2 - 0
David Resurreccion - 3.72 & Tiffany Marsilio - n/a 1 - 1
David Resurreccion - 3.72 & Angela Bement - 3.61 1 - 0
Vickie Tully - 3.22 & Aaron Hutt - n/a 0 - 1 0 - 1
Vickie Tully - 3.22 & William Celtnieks - 4.09 1 - 0
Todd Brown - 4.00 & Ada Martini - 3.60 2 - 0
Wolfpack Aces
League Record: 2 - 7
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Pratheek Ravoori - 4.10
Nick Bonkoski - 3.91
Alexandra Kamelhar - 3.90
Rebecca Perkins - 3.78
Rajeev Rao - 3.73
Santosh Gaikwad - 3.66
Elizabeth Sontag - 3.63
Cindy Beach - 3.56
Don Houpt - 3.48
Elena Conway - 3.46
Charity Miller - 3.45
David Bethala - 3.38
Amrit Tewary - 3.35
Andrew Hines - 3.26
Carol Leslie - 3.20
Ann Grim - 3.11
Krishnendu Saha - n/a
League Results By Position
1D 2D 3D
Ann Grim - 3.11 & Nick Bonkoski - 3.91 1 - 1
Alexandra Kamelhar - 3.90 & Andrew Hines - 3.26 0 - 1 0 - 1
Alexandra Kamelhar - 3.90 & Amrit Tewary - 3.35 1 - 0
Elizabeth Sontag - 3.63 & David Bethala - 3.38 0 - 1
Elizabeth Sontag - 3.63 & Santosh Gaikwad - 3.66 1 - 0
Rebecca Perkins - 3.78 & David Bethala - 3.38 0 - 1
Rebecca Perkins - 3.78 & Don Houpt - 3.48 0 - 1
Rebecca Perkins - 3.78 & Santosh Gaikwad - 3.66 1 - 0
Rebecca Perkins - 3.78 & ANDRES VIVANCO - 3.72 1 - 0 1 - 0
Carol Leslie - 3.20 & Pratheek Ravoori - 4.10 2 - 1 1 - 0
Carol Leslie - 3.20 & Santosh Gaikwad - 3.66 0 - 1
Pratheek Ravoori - 4.10 & Elena Conway - 3.46 1 - 0
David Bethala - 3.38 & Elena Conway - 3.46 0 - 2
Cindy Beach - 3.56 & Krishnendu Saha - n/a 0 - 1
Cindy Beach - 3.56 & Don Houpt - 3.48 0 - 1
Cindy Beach - 3.56 & ANDRES VIVANCO - 3.72 0 - 1
Charity Miller - 3.45 & Rajeev Rao - 3.73 0 - 1
Charity Miller - 3.45 & Santosh Gaikwad - 3.66 0 - 1
Starts Here
League Record: 5 - 4
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Troy Donato - 4.32
Dejan Blagovcanin - 4.14
Christopher Jones - 4.08
Jesse Jones - 3.79
Kayla Sweet - 3.67
Milos Markis - 3.65
Tony House - 3.60
Colleen Dumas - 3.58
Jerome Napson - 3.56
Mary Brewster - 3.55
Jason Lazar - 3.47
Yili Guo - 3.45
Dinali Jayanetti - 3.39
Christine Downs - 3.35
Taya Dianna - 3.26
Marcia Hiehle - 3.24
League Results By Position
1D 2D 3D
Dejan Blagovcanin - 4.14 & Dinali Jayanetti - 3.39 1 - 0 0 - 1
Dejan Blagovcanin - 4.14 & Christine Downs - 3.35 1 - 0 0 - 1
Mary Brewster - 3.55 & Jesse Jones - 3.79 1 - 0
Mary Brewster - 3.55 & Tony House - 3.60 1 - 1
Jerome Napson - 3.56 & Colleen Dumas - 3.58 0 - 1
Jerome Napson - 3.56 & Kayla Sweet - 3.67 0 - 1
Jerome Napson - 3.56 & Yili Guo - 3.45 0 - 1
Christopher Jones - 4.08 & Marcia Hiehle - 3.24 1 - 0
Christopher Jones - 4.08 & Christine Downs - 3.35 1 - 0
Jesse Jones - 3.79 & Colleen Dumas - 3.58 0 - 1
Jesse Jones - 3.79 & Kayla Sweet - 3.67 1 - 0 0 - 1
Troy Donato - 4.32 & Marcia Hiehle - 3.24 3 - 0
Tony House - 3.60 & Christine Downs - 3.35 1 - 0
Jason Lazar - 3.47 & Colleen Dumas - 3.58 0 - 1 1 - 0
Jason Lazar - 3.47 & Dinali Jayanetti - 3.39 0 - 1
Jason Lazar - 3.47 & Kayla Sweet - 3.67 0 - 1
Taya Dianna - 3.26 & Troy Donato - 4.32 1 - 0
Taya Dianna - 3.26 & Milos Markis - 3.65 0 - 1
Yili Guo - 3.45 & Milos Markis - 3.65 0 - 1
Milos Markis - 3.65 & Colleen Dumas - 3.58 1 - 0
Notorious K.I.M.
League Record: 6 - 3
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
David Chee - 4.28
Pelle Duong - 4.18
Rob Allison - 4.09
Tim Davis - 3.73
Colin Horgan - 3.70
Mary Nguyen - 3.67
Lesley Nicolson - 3.66
Philip Scheibe - 3.56
Kim Clearkin - 3.55
David Rappaport - 3.54
Cathy Jackson - 3.53
Sara Metzler - 3.46
Frank Meeuwissen - 3.42
Wen He - 3.39
Marcia Keld - 3.38
Peter Leida - 3.37
Zuhua Sabol - 3.31
Anthony Boswell - 3.31
Amy Leida - 3.31
Elizabeth Kim - 3.28
Cassie Tran - n/a
League Results By Position
1D 2D 3D
Tim Davis - 3.73 & Lesley Nicolson - 3.66 1 - 0
Tim Davis - 3.73 & Mary Nguyen - 3.67 1 - 0
Tim Davis - 3.73 & Zuhua Sabol - 3.31 0 - 1
Elizabeth Kim - 3.28 & David Chee - 4.28 0 - 1
Elizabeth Kim - 3.28 & Rob Allison - 4.09 1 - 0 1 - 0
Lesley Nicolson - 3.66 & Frank Meeuwissen - 3.42 0 - 1
David Chee - 4.28 & Zuhua Sabol - 3.31 2 - 0
Philip Scheibe - 3.56 & Mary Nguyen - 3.67 0 - 1
Frank Meeuwissen - 3.42 & Sara Metzler - 3.46 0 - 1
Cathy Jackson - 3.53 & Colin Horgan - 3.70 0 - 1 2 - 0
David Rappaport - 3.54 & Sara Metzler - 3.46 0 - 1
Anthony Boswell - 3.31 & Kim Clearkin - 3.55 0 - 1
Pelle Duong - 4.18 & Wen He - 3.39 1 - 1 1 - 0
Amy Leida - 3.31 & Peter Leida - 3.37 1 - 1
Cassie Tran - n/a & David Rappaport - 3.54 0 - 1
Cassie Tran - n/a & MARC LEPORE - 3.78 1 - 0 1 - 0
Marcia Keld - 3.38 & Philip Scheibe - 3.56 0 - 1
Marcia Keld - 3.38 & Rob Allison - 4.09 1 - 0